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Rebellion is a newly added feature which alongside Civil War is the only way a player group can break away from a faction. This feature was added due to the hard civil war rules and is made to have an alternative on taking over a faction with a king.

How to start a Rebellion

In order to start a rebellion you need to do the following;


  • First of all, you need a recognized settlement (Village) in the region you want to rebel in. On how to get a settlement recognized check Recognized Settlements and the fitting settlement type for your faction (ie. if you're in an orcish faction check Orc Settlements).
    • If you build a village and a fort in case of getting the village razed you may use the fort to defend.
  • Secondly, you need to pay 5000 coins for every time you declare a rebellion.
    • This fee increases by 100% every time you declare a rebellion.
    • After 3 months of no rebellion declared fee resets to the original value.
    • A rebellion can only be declared once every 2 weeks.
      • This delay increases by 50% every time it gets declared.
    • Thirdly, you need to have a accepted character card in order to become the leader of the Rebellion.


  • A new faction gets created with the name "Rebels of <Faction Name>" or "<Faction Name> Rebellion".
  • The Rebellion starter becomes king and has all administrative power over the faction.
    • The Rebellion Faction may only start a war against the faction they are rebelling against.
    • The Rebellion Faction may only only get war declared upon by the faction they are rebelling against,
    • These wars are internal conflicts and only faction members of the two respected factions may fight in wars against each other. (CHECK BOTTOM OF THE PAGE FOR MORE INFO)
    • He cannot change any faction relations.
    • The Rebellion Faction can have diplomatic relations with other factions and the faction may volunteer and fight in war. But as mentioned before they may not receive any aid when declaring against the faction they declared the rebellion against.
    • The Rebellion Faction may use any enemy armor of the faction they declared the rebellion against.
    • The rebellion territory will still be counted as faction territory for faction borders until they become an actual faction
  • Once a rebellion is started the province under attack gets a striped overlay in red color.
  • If the rebels win, they conquer that one province and may continue declaring war like regular factions do. (Check Declaration of War)
  • Once 3 provinces of the faction are under control of the rebels, they establish their own faction. This requires the player to have all requirements to be king as well. (Check How to become King) As well as a custom name, some lore and a dynasty.

    New Rebel Faction Example


    Province Under Rebellion Example

Examples on the right show what rebel factions and provinces under rebellion may look like on the province map

Razing a Village

It is the best way for a faction to get rid of the rebels. Razing a village is a attack on the settlement used by a rebel faction.

In order to start razing a settlement you must declare a war (Does not count into war limit) in which a battle is held with the attacker attacking the village. The goal is to either:

  • Steal and Plunder
  • Raze it to the ground.

Plundering a Village

Plundering means stealing resources or similar from a village, it purely gives the attacker money.

Steal a specific item from the village 2.5k Defender pays a fine to the Attacker
Failure None Cannot Raze/Plunder for a 2 weeks

Razing a Village

Razing a village means destroying all useful parts of the village.

Destroy the Central Building None +100% Additional delay on declaring another Rebellion
Destroy the whole Village None Enemy has to build another village
Eliminate all enemies None +100% Additional delay on declaring another Rebellion
Failure None Cannot Raze/Plunder for a Month

Note: Same consequences don't stack.

Forts within a Rebellion

The rebel faction may construct and recognize a fort which can be used within the rebellion. A fort may be used as a layer of protection.

If a recognized fort is built by the rebellion it may be used to protect from village razing. Once a raze or plunder is declared on a province with a fort present (Has to be built by the rebel faction/forts which were controlled by the loyalists still are controlled by the loyalists) the war starts with the first battle being a fort siege and the second being a raze or plunder.

Factions that Lost Core Provinces

Core provinces are defined as the province each faction gets when the server starts off. It's usually 5 provinces per faction. If core provinces of a faction are lost, rebellions in those provinces cost 20% less, the rebellion delay decreases by 20%, and the punishments for getting razed and plundered get decreased by 50%.

What are Core Provinces?

Every faction has core provinces. What they are is pretty simple. For regular factions, they are the provinces they started out with after the reset. (Will be portrayed on map asap) This usually is 5 provinces per faction. Custom Factions have only 1 core province which is they province they started the custom faction with.

Other Useful Rules

  1. There can be only 1 active rebellion in a faction.
  2. Faction hopping to help in a rebellion is forbidden. (Same rule as war rules)
  3. In order to join a rebellion or to start one you have to be FACTIONLESS for 1 week. (Both on discord and ingame)
  4. In the case in which the DEFENDERS (loyalists) are outnumbered, the defenders are allowed to take volunteers from the empire.
    • Can take as many EMPIRE MEMBERS as they want, as long as the DEFENDERS have 1 more fighter.
    • This is only applicable to situations in which the loyalist faction does not have enough fighters (You are not allowed to deny a faction player to fight in order to get a volunteer from the empire to fight instead).
  5. Loyalists have to be in the faction for at least 7 days in order to help in the rebellion, players have to be in empire factions for at least 7 days in order to help in the rebellion.
  6. If a rebellion formed faction disbands due to inactivity or other reasons, the land conquered by the rebel faction gets given back to the original faction.

Rebels: 1 player; Loyalists: 1 player; Loyalists can take: 1 Empire members

Rebels: 2 player; Loyalists: 1 player; Loyalists can take: 2 Empire members

Rebels: 3 player; Loyalists: 1 player; Loyalists can take: 3 Empire members

Rebels: 4 player; Loyalists: 1 player; Loyalists can take: 4 Empire members

Rebels: 5 player; Loyalists: 1 player; Loyalists can take: 5 Empire members


Rebels: 1 player; Loyalists: 6 player; Loyalists can take: 0 Empire members

Rebels: 1 player; Loyalists: 5 player; Loyalists can take: 0 Empire members

Rebels: 1 player; Loyalists: 4 player; Loyalists can take: 0 Empire members

Rebels: 1 player; Loyalists: 3 player; Loyalists can take: 0 Empire members
