This page contains information on all of the factions in AncarNetwork, including both current and legacy versions. Legacy factions(those from 1.7.10 Ancar) will be marked accordingly.
1.16.5 Factions[]
Name | General Information | Ruler |
Gondor | A great and ancient kingdom of men, one of the two Faithful Numenorean Kingdoms in Exile. | King Arador(Andrepizza) |
Mordor | The land of shadow; encompassing the dark dominions of Sauron and his legions. | Sauron(TGDavi) |
Dorwinion | The Young-Land; a vast but turbulent and pacifistic confederation of men and elves known for their love of grapes and wine. | Basileus Menestheus(Caranthir00) OR Vine-Regent Glorinisse(Hlodgier) |
Dunland | The home of the Dunlendings; a large and rugged expanse covering much of Enedwaith. | Chieftain Shengelion(HyperKillerTV) |
Rohan | A kingdom of northmen holding the plains of Calenardhon, famed for their horses and close friendship with Gondor. | King Thengel(David) |
Moria | A realm of orcs occupying the former mansions of Khazad-Dum, now more commonly known as Moria -- the Black Pit. | Nazgul(Akalii) |
Dol Guldur | The Hill of Sorcery, a wicked realm in the midst of Mirkwood. | None |
Durin's Folk | The proud descendants of Durin the Deathless, who now rule kingdoms in Erebor, the Iron Hills, the Grey Mountains, and the Misty Mountains. | Uzbad NAME(Lalic) |
Lothlorien | The Golden Wood; a fair elven realm on the far side of the Misty Mountains. | King Mzil(Mzil) |
Isengard | The dominion of Saruman, consisting of the great fortress of Isengard and its imposing valley, the Nan Curunir. | Saruman(Vlagezda) |
Dale | A formidable kingdom of northmen under Erebor, known for their friendship with the dwarves and relative isolation from the troubles of Middle-Earth. | King Bain(None) |
Shire | A peaceful country in Eriador, populated by hobbits and famous for its fertile fields and picturesque towns. | None |
Northern Dunedain | The scattered descendants of the old Dunedain of Arnor, who have in recent times found cause to rebuild their kingdom of old. | Chieftain Aragorn(TheBetaOwl) |
Silvan Elves | The realm of Eryn Galen, or Greenwood; the most populous realm of elves in Middle Earth by the end of the Third Age. Populated largely by Nandor or "Silvan" elves. | King Thranduil(Ninless) |
Beornings | A small group of communities among the Vales of Anduin, with some among them rumoured to be able to transform into bears. | None |
Harad | A strong but cruel group of peoples in the south of Middle-Earth; traditionally aligned with Sauron and resentful of Numenoreans. | None |
Khand | A mysterious but formidable country in the far southeast of Middle-Earth, famous for their frightening cavalry. | Nazgul(LegoManiac) |
Gundabad | A confederation of orcs within the Misty Mountains. | None |
Angmar | The remnants of the old Witch-Kingdom, who have since regained some power since its destruction many centuries ago. | None |
Rivendell | The Last Homely House; a hidden vale nestled under the Misty Mountains, and home to the Lord Elrond and his entourage. | None |
Umbar | The greatest haven of Old Numenor, and the most powerful naval adversary of Gondor by the end of the Third Age. It is rumoured that the Havens are still ruled by Black Numenoreans. | Nazgul(OnionBoy) |
Artheloth | An isolated but resilient kingdom consisting of both remnants of the Dunedain of Arnor and a hardy tribe of men known as the Lossoth. | None |
Lindon | The Last Fair Realm; a peaceful kingdom of high elves known for their unparalleled maritime capabilities. | None |