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This page hosts the complete list of recognized settlements for each Kingdom.

After being recognized, each settlements needs to be added in the list otherwise it won't be considered valid.

When there are more than one settlement of the same type within the same province, one and only one needs to have his info to be written with bold characters.

Add a link to each Kingdom name added on the list.

Note: When a settlement has missing or incomplete info, it won't be considered valid. Writing false information or damaging the list it's a forbidden behavior punishable with ban and sanctions.


Faction Holding Name Province Coords Date of Recognition
North Dunedain (Arnor) Augusta Treverorum 80 11200, 64, -9920 12/03/2023
Mordor Storm's End 303 96687, 80, 59726 04/10/2022
Durin Dwarves Heldahn 261 104801, 67, -14146 04/10/2022
Dunland Thardurm 124 34076, 71, 33704 24/10/2022
Dunland Ridasirin 126 33782, 70, 33374 31/10/2022
North Dunedain Norstat 69 19238, 80, 4953 06/11/2022
Umbar Villa Heria 331 44896, 72, 122443 17/10/2022
Balchoth Erd-Arkhand 413 180648, 72, 40500 31/01/2023
Balchoth Ekhleed 387 188409, -, 53170 22/02/2023
Balchoth Khoyor 375 163729, 72, 69756 14/03/2023
Silvan Elves Felelume 200 75631, 71, -14422 31/01/2023
North Dunedain Lutienhall 76 20784, 70, -2268 02/02/2023
Khand Javraat 366 143978, 66, 79652 02/02/2023
Gondor Aëdiar 178 56604, 76, 68419 03/02/2023
Gulflings Muanog 871 112526, 72, 166604 03/02/2023
Isengard Uruk-lug 157 41 706, 88, 42909 29/01/2023
Dol Guldur Dulgunaur 214 68647, 85, 20380 02/02/2023
Khand Baatlin 354 112510, 64, 92283 04/02/2023
Beornings Oldenforda 139 60849, 64, -3530 03/02/2023
Beornings Anfealdtun 135 56510, 63, -17237 04/02/2023
Khand Fuchun 325 941361, 71, 93934 05/02/2023
Rhudel Zhonguldak 403 141800, 72, 20060 3/2/2023
Rhudel Halanyet 404 150250, 72, 23906 5/2/2023
Khand Seobaek 355 140340, 79, 82564 06/02/2023
Beornings Stanwic 138 58212, 87, -3394 06/02/2023
Beornings Ealdmersc 141 62549, 64, 6428 07/02/2023
Khand Battlan 326 85200, 70, 93475 07/02/2023
Khand Katlan 349 94881, 71, 104971 08/02/2023
Khand Baserleg 352 110700, 63, 94981 10/02/2023
Gondor Haradren Edrein 320 74723, 72, 86831 12/02/2023
Dol Guldur Durbatuluk 147 59958, 66, 21728 15/02/2023
North Dunedain Manorlaw 97 21807 68 -7741 20/02/2023
Beornings Fyhrtun 147 66988, 67, 3316 14/02/2023
Dol Guldur Trsheech 148 61345, 64, 24514 26/02/2023
Silvan Elves Isyalona 205 84122, 63, -4829 05/03/2023
Silvan Elves Fyslona 206 77868, 71, -6059 06/03/2023
Minhiriath Aegum 62 -5086, 66, 37526 12/2/2023
Khazad-Dum Khazad-basn 108 48206, 83, 14029 13/03/2023
Minhiriath Wierum 61 -5770, 68, 29185 13/03/2023
Minhiriath Oudega 63 6304, 75, 35180 13/03/2023
Gondor Nifra 168 76928, 70, 7039 14/03/2023
Dunland Imbraci 128 32707, -, 22845 15/03/2023
Dunland Vecringi 130 23147, 64, 19403 16/03/2023
Minhiriath Aldwald 65 38, 71, 19366 15/03/2023
Khazad-dum Old Jade Temple 109 46371, 86, 17719 18/03/2023
Silvan Elves Hestalost 208 82078, 71, -1387 19/03/2032
Dale Dangrad 256 81795 63 -12321 23/03/2023
Dale Donbabwe 245 87884 70 574 27/03/2023
Dale Luganda 246 96292 63 5669 29/03/2023
Gondor Lockwood 179 44813 70 62511 29/03/2023
Dale Oakenheart 247 99170 72 8128 08/04/2023
Rhudel Rhuneyr 397 130995 64 27394 16/04/2023
Lothlorien Fosstoskotäd 146 46931 80 17029 21/04/2023
Silvan Elves Ifallon 210 69109, 88, 4247 21/04/2023
Dale Sunwood 248 105333, 81, 9633 16/04/2023
Rhudel Rhunayr 397 133520 67 22400 16/04/2023
Dale Willowood 243 92116 64 15837 22/04/2023
North Dunedain (Arnor) Augusta-Vindelicorum 6 -12736 64 1600 20/03/2023
Dale Rivergate 241 102291 63 22551 24/04/2023
Dale Maplebrook 264 109449 72 -8154 26/4/2023
Silvan Elves Nylithaes 207 67254, 71, -6213 03/05/2023
Dale Austurthorp 265 112788, 73, -1716 04/05/2023
Lothlorien Helinille 149 56477 73 28032 04/05/2023
Khand Khovd 368 151909, 79, 78819 08/05/2023
Durin Dwarves Kibilturg 197 82203, 118, -19919 08/05/2023
Durin Dwarves Azanshatûr 198 79858, 82, -20172 09/05/2023
Dorwinion Leduc 230 127270, 73, 49165 09/05/2023
Dorwinion Engoribourg 394 113260, 67, 34276 09/05/2023
Durin Dwarves Barukzirak 194 68450, 111, -21123 11/05/2023
Durin Dwarves Rakhâshund 193 65653, 89, -21943 12/05/2023
Gondor Castrum Vetus 184 20514, 75, 78185 26/05/2023
Rohan Ceanbury 152 56700, 79, 33894 30/05/2023
Rohan Barrowham 151 50408, 63, 37119 30/05/2023
Gondor New Rhudexico 185 3590 72 80058 03/07/2023 recognized

14/07/2023 transfered to Gondor

Near Harad Darah Rin Gilv 327 74780 71 93053 23/08/2023
Dunland Frisiic 129 15901, 72, 25743 24/08/2023
Dunland Amrûnsir 121 7144, 70, 33856 24/08/2023
Dunland Batavi 122 22702, 72, 39113 26/08/2023
Artheloth Fairmarket 25 2540, 94, -30943 31/08/2023
Artheloth Whitetree 27 6112, 65, -30849 05/09/2023
Artheloth Lordsport 24 -4071, 70, -30452 10/09/2023
Artheloth Whalestown 705 -56298, 63, -22543 14/09/2023
Artheloth Wyk 29 24151, 70, -32898 18/09/2023


Faction Holding Name Province Coords Date of Recognition
Durin Dwarves Gabil dûm 260 100035, 69, -15236 12/07/2023
Lindon Ainlond 18 -37132, 72, -2934 25/10/2022
Durin Dwarves Hilgolar 261 104625, 67, -14113 04/10/2022
Mordor The Dreadfort 303 96656, 84, 59587 04/10/2022
Dunland Tharglanduin 124 33991, 72, 33444 24/10/2022
Umbar Molantinopolis 331 44824, 80, 121945 06/11/2022
Minhiriath Zegge 62 -5953, 65, 38303 12/03/2023
Khazad-Dum Zigilnala 108 48200, 86, 13864 13/03/2023
Dunland Bronridoc 128 28614, 64, 21027 15/03/2023
Mithlond Mithlond Reggio Calabria 15 -16685, 68, -418 17/03/2023
Dale Lakeburg 255 83516 63 -12428 14/03/2023
Mithlond Ahiso 14 -30355, 76, 8356 20/04/2023
Durin Dwarves Nazagdûm 259 98887, 72, -11689 08/05/2023
Khand Altai 368 151904, 71, 78804 08/05/2023
Dorwinion Bladorthinople 232 118218, 70, 25107 27/04/2023
Lothlorien Ktiriöstimesi 146 46969, 80, 17060 20/05/2023
Dunland Leikowīko 126 33641 65 28468 01/06/2023
Dunland Suebici 130 20712, 67, 21537 19/08/2023
Artheloth Moorland Motte 26 14, 71, -34827 30/08/2023


Faction Holding Name Province Coords Date of Recognition
Rohan Ceanstead 152 56700, 79, 33894 30/05/2023
Gondor Minas Gore 668 84480 89 65282 13/6/2023
Dunland Bronridoc Fortress 128 28614, 64, 21027 15/03/2023
Dunland Gridoc Heirloom 130 24283, 66, 18672 28/08/2023
Dorwinion Vinas More 231 123726, 87, 33916 06/05/2023


Faction Holding Name Province Coords Date of Recognition
<Name> <Name> <Province Number> <x y z> <Date>
<Name> <Name> <Province Number> <x y z> <Date>