Useful Links[]
- Recognized Settlements
- How to become a King
This page hosts the complete list of recognized settlements for each Kingdom.
After being recognized, each settlements needs to be added in the list otherwise it won't be considered valid.
When there are more than one settlement of the same type within the same province, one and only one needs to have his info to be written with bold characters.
Add a link to each Kingdom name added on the list.
Note: When a settlement has missing or incomplete info, it won't be considered valid. Writing false information or damaging the list it's a forbidden behavior punishable with ban and sanctions.
Faction | Holding Name | Province | Coords | Date of Recognition |
North Dunedain (Arnor) | Augusta Treverorum | 80 | 11200, 64, -9920 | 12/03/2023 |
Mordor | Storm's End | 303 | 96687, 80, 59726 | 04/10/2022 |
Durin Dwarves | Heldahn | 261 | 104801, 67, -14146 | 04/10/2022 |
Dunland | Thardurm | 124 | 34076, 71, 33704 | 24/10/2022 |
Dunland | Ridasirin | 126 | 33782, 70, 33374 | 31/10/2022 |
North Dunedain | Norstat | 69 | 19238, 80, 4953 | 06/11/2022 |
Umbar | Villa Heria | 331 | 44896, 72, 122443 | 17/10/2022 |
Balchoth | Erd-Arkhand | 413 | 180648, 72, 40500 | 31/01/2023 |
Balchoth | Ekhleed | 387 | 188409, -, 53170 | 22/02/2023 |
Balchoth | Khoyor | 375 | 163729, 72, 69756 | 14/03/2023 |
Silvan Elves | Felelume | 200 | 75631, 71, -14422 | 31/01/2023 |
North Dunedain | Lutienhall | 76 | 20784, 70, -2268 | 02/02/2023 |
Khand | Javraat | 366 | 143978, 66, 79652 | 02/02/2023 |
Gondor | Aëdiar | 178 | 56604, 76, 68419 | 03/02/2023 |
Gulflings | Muanog | 871 | 112526, 72, 166604 | 03/02/2023 |
Isengard | Uruk-lug | 157 | 41 706, 88, 42909 | 29/01/2023 |
Dol Guldur | Dulgunaur | 214 | 68647, 85, 20380 | 02/02/2023 |
Khand | Baatlin | 354 | 112510, 64, 92283 | 04/02/2023 |
Beornings | Oldenforda | 139 | 60849, 64, -3530 | 03/02/2023 |
Beornings | Anfealdtun | 135 | 56510, 63, -17237 | 04/02/2023 |
Khand | Fuchun | 325 | 941361, 71, 93934 | 05/02/2023 |
Rhudel | Zhonguldak | 403 | 141800, 72, 20060 | 3/2/2023 |
Rhudel | Halanyet | 404 | 150250, 72, 23906 | 5/2/2023 |
Khand | Seobaek | 355 | 140340, 79, 82564 | 06/02/2023 |
Beornings | Stanwic | 138 | 58212, 87, -3394 | 06/02/2023 |
Beornings | Ealdmersc | 141 | 62549, 64, 6428 | 07/02/2023 |
Khand | Battlan | 326 | 85200, 70, 93475 | 07/02/2023 |
Khand | Katlan | 349 | 94881, 71, 104971 | 08/02/2023 |
Khand | Baserleg | 352 | 110700, 63, 94981 | 10/02/2023 |
Gondor | Haradren Edrein | 320 | 74723, 72, 86831 | 12/02/2023 |
Dol Guldur | Durbatuluk | 147 | 59958, 66, 21728 | 15/02/2023 |
North Dunedain | Manorlaw | 97 | 21807 68 -7741 | 20/02/2023 |
Beornings | Fyhrtun | 147 | 66988, 67, 3316 | 14/02/2023 |
Dol Guldur | Trsheech | 148 | 61345, 64, 24514 | 26/02/2023 |
Silvan Elves | Isyalona | 205 | 84122, 63, -4829 | 05/03/2023 |
Silvan Elves | Fyslona | 206 | 77868, 71, -6059 | 06/03/2023 |
Minhiriath | Aegum | 62 | -5086, 66, 37526 | 12/2/2023 |
Khazad-Dum | Khazad-basn | 108 | 48206, 83, 14029 | 13/03/2023 |
Minhiriath | Wierum | 61 | -5770, 68, 29185 | 13/03/2023 |
Minhiriath | Oudega | 63 | 6304, 75, 35180 | 13/03/2023 |
Gondor | Nifra | 168 | 76928, 70, 7039 | 14/03/2023 |
Dunland | Imbraci | 128 | 32707, -, 22845 | 15/03/2023 |
Dunland | Vecringi | 130 | 23147, 64, 19403 | 16/03/2023 |
Minhiriath | Aldwald | 65 | 38, 71, 19366 | 15/03/2023 |
Khazad-dum | Old Jade Temple | 109 | 46371, 86, 17719 | 18/03/2023 |
Silvan Elves | Hestalost | 208 | 82078, 71, -1387 | 19/03/2032 |
Dale | Dangrad | 256 | 81795 63 -12321 | 23/03/2023 |
Dale | Donbabwe | 245 | 87884 70 574 | 27/03/2023 |
Dale | Luganda | 246 | 96292 63 5669 | 29/03/2023 |
Gondor | Lockwood | 179 | 44813 70 62511 | 29/03/2023 |
Dale | Oakenheart | 247 | 99170 72 8128 | 08/04/2023 |
Rhudel | Rhuneyr | 397 | 130995 64 27394 | 16/04/2023 |
Lothlorien | Fosstoskotäd | 146 | 46931 80 17029 | 21/04/2023 |
Silvan Elves | Ifallon | 210 | 69109, 88, 4247 | 21/04/2023 |
Dale | Sunwood | 248 | 105333, 81, 9633 | 16/04/2023 |
Rhudel | Rhunayr | 397 | 133520 67 22400 | 16/04/2023 |
Dale | Willowood | 243 | 92116 64 15837 | 22/04/2023 |
North Dunedain (Arnor) | Augusta-Vindelicorum | 6 | -12736 64 1600 | 20/03/2023 |
Dale | Rivergate | 241 | 102291 63 22551 | 24/04/2023 |
Dale | Maplebrook | 264 | 109449 72 -8154 | 26/4/2023 |
Silvan Elves | Nylithaes | 207 | 67254, 71, -6213 | 03/05/2023 |
Dale | Austurthorp | 265 | 112788, 73, -1716 | 04/05/2023 |
Lothlorien | Helinille | 149 | 56477 73 28032 | 04/05/2023 |
Khand | Khovd | 368 | 151909, 79, 78819 | 08/05/2023 |
Durin Dwarves | Kibilturg | 197 | 82203, 118, -19919 | 08/05/2023 |
Durin Dwarves | Azanshatûr | 198 | 79858, 82, -20172 | 09/05/2023 |
Dorwinion | Leduc | 230 | 127270, 73, 49165 | 09/05/2023 |
Dorwinion | Engoribourg | 394 | 113260, 67, 34276 | 09/05/2023 |
Durin Dwarves | Barukzirak | 194 | 68450, 111, -21123 | 11/05/2023 |
Durin Dwarves | Rakhâshund | 193 | 65653, 89, -21943 | 12/05/2023 |
Gondor | Castrum Vetus | 184 | 20514, 75, 78185 | 26/05/2023 |
Rohan | Ceanbury | 152 | 56700, 79, 33894 | 30/05/2023 |
Rohan | Barrowham | 151 | 50408, 63, 37119 | 30/05/2023 |
Gondor | New Rhudexico | 185 | 3590 72 80058 | 03/07/2023 recognized
14/07/2023 transfered to Gondor |
Near Harad | Darah Rin Gilv | 327 | 74780 71 93053 | 23/08/2023 |
Dunland | Frisiic | 129 | 15901, 72, 25743 | 24/08/2023 |
Dunland | Amrûnsir | 121 | 7144, 70, 33856 | 24/08/2023 |
Dunland | Batavi | 122 | 22702, 72, 39113 | 26/08/2023 |
Artheloth | Fairmarket | 25 | 2540, 94, -30943 | 31/08/2023 |
Artheloth | Whitetree | 27 | 6112, 65, -30849 | 05/09/2023 |
Artheloth | Lordsport | 24 | -4071, 70, -30452 | 10/09/2023 |
Artheloth | Whalestown | 705 | -56298, 63, -22543 | 14/09/2023 |
Artheloth | Wyk | 29 | 24151, 70, -32898 | 18/09/2023 |
Faction | Holding Name | Province | Coords | Date of Recognition |
Durin Dwarves | Gabil dûm | 260 | 100035, 69, -15236 | 12/07/2023 |
Lindon | Ainlond | 18 | -37132, 72, -2934 | 25/10/2022 |
Durin Dwarves | Hilgolar | 261 | 104625, 67, -14113 | 04/10/2022 |
Mordor | The Dreadfort | 303 | 96656, 84, 59587 | 04/10/2022 |
Dunland | Tharglanduin | 124 | 33991, 72, 33444 | 24/10/2022 |
Umbar | Molantinopolis | 331 | 44824, 80, 121945 | 06/11/2022 |
Minhiriath | Zegge | 62 | -5953, 65, 38303 | 12/03/2023 |
Khazad-Dum | Zigilnala | 108 | 48200, 86, 13864 | 13/03/2023 |
Dunland | Bronridoc | 128 | 28614, 64, 21027 | 15/03/2023 |
Mithlond | Mithlond Reggio Calabria | 15 | -16685, 68, -418 | 17/03/2023 |
Dale | Lakeburg | 255 | 83516 63 -12428 | 14/03/2023 |
Mithlond | Ahiso | 14 | -30355, 76, 8356 | 20/04/2023 |
Durin Dwarves | Nazagdûm | 259 | 98887, 72, -11689 | 08/05/2023 |
Khand | Altai | 368 | 151904, 71, 78804 | 08/05/2023 |
Dorwinion | Bladorthinople | 232 | 118218, 70, 25107 | 27/04/2023 |
Lothlorien | Ktiriöstimesi | 146 | 46969, 80, 17060 | 20/05/2023 |
Dunland | Leikowīko | 126 | 33641 65 28468 | 01/06/2023 |
Dunland | Suebici | 130 | 20712, 67, 21537 | 19/08/2023 |
Artheloth | Moorland Motte | 26 | 14, 71, -34827 | 30/08/2023 |
Faction | Holding Name | Province | Coords | Date of Recognition |
Rohan | Ceanstead | 152 | 56700, 79, 33894 | 30/05/2023 |
Gondor | Minas Gore | 668 | 84480 89 65282 | 13/6/2023 |
Dunland | Bronridoc Fortress | 128 | 28614, 64, 21027 | 15/03/2023 |
Dunland | Gridoc Heirloom | 130 | 24283, 66, 18672 | 28/08/2023 |
Dorwinion | Vinas More | 231 | 123726, 87, 33916 | 06/05/2023 |
Faction | Holding Name | Province | Coords | Date of Recognition |
<Name> | <Name> | <Province Number> | <x y z> | <Date> |
<Name> | <Name> | <Province Number> | <x y z> | <Date> |